Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Day 9 South Auckland

Off to a good start in Papatoetoe, lots of traffic, so not safe to walk on the actual roads better for the cars, and for me to walk on the footpaths. I also needed to wear shoes due to the amount of glass and sharp objects on the foot paths. My feet did not like having shoes on.

Once we reached Papakura, with great relief I took the shoes off. Met up with cousin Nomi and children in Papakura. It was great for Faye and I to catch up with Nomi. Papakura has certainly grown since I lived there in my formative years. The children joined me on the hikoi until the skies opened up again and we all got drenched. The children went home to get changed and Faye and I carried on to Drury. From there we made our way to the Pokeno ice cream shop and met some of the staff from Hamilton City Council who appriciated my need to depart and continue with the hikoi.

Mercer was pretty quiet so we continued on through Meremere and on to Te Kauwhata (aka Tekawata) where we spent the night with Karen and Chris in their brand new house. I had a long hot bath and a quiet evening spent with friends and family of these two.

Faye leaves me here and returns home to husband and children, and tomorrow I meet up with Ronnie in Ngaruawahia for the next leg of the hikoi.

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